TLU Live Vegas 2024,
October 16 - 19th, 2024
TLU n Demand
“Get the pleadings, transcripts, PPTs, and notes for a roadmap to victory”
Brian Panish Shares What It Takes To Become A Trial Lawyer Champion
"I am all about competition — and I think as a Trial Lawyer, you could continue to get better. All true champions are behind, they are striving to do better. And I think all of us could do better, especially in this practice of law." - Brian Panish
Brian Panish
$4.9 Billion Record Verdict
R. Rex Parris On Achieving A Level of Unconscious Competence
"Being a great lawyer — there’s a lot of skills you need to be competent at… It’s got to be unconscious competence — it rises when you need it. It takes a lot of work…" - R. Rex Parris
R. Rex Parris
$370,000,000 Record Verdict
Keith Mitnik
On Excelling As A
Trial Lawyer
"I consider the greatest honor I could ever have to have people to pick me to stand up for them when they couldn't stand up for themselves..." -Keith Mitnik
Keith Mitnik
Senior Trial Lawyer at
Morgan & Morgan
Make Your Client The Number One Priority
"In every case you have 3 agendas... #1 is the agenda of the client... #2 is the agenda of the client... #3 is the agenda of the client... Knowing them, their background; what they've been through in their lives, understanding their needs, their wants, their desires... All of that becomes so very important, it takes awhile to sit down and to get to know that client... But then the person becomes a part of you and that's how you start to put your blood, your sweat, your tears, your heart, your soul, your mind and everything you've got into the case..." - John Romano
John Romano
2015 Trial Lawyer
Hall of Fame
Why Nicholas Rowley Supports Trial Lawyers University
"In 2005, I met Dan Ambrose — and the one thing that I saw in Dan, he was obsessed with finding, perfecting and developing a method that would help train other Trial Lawyers." -Nicholas Rowley
Nick Rowley
$1,100,000,000 Record Settlement Against Toyota
Ibiere Seck
On Amplying Voices
"It was clear to me, early in my practice that the playing field was not equal… The settlement value for people of color was far lower than other folks… And what I really wanted to focus on was amplifying their voices" - Ibiere Seck
Ibiere Seck
Super Lawyer: Rising Star
Finding The Tools And Resources To Become A Skillful Trial Lawyer
"When I first started trying cases, there weren't a lot of places that I could go to learn how to be in a court room... It was trial and error... And that's totally changed now with people like Dan and Trial Lawyers University..." - Courtney Rowley
Courtney Rowley
Author of Trial By Woman
The Best Way To Learn is to Surround Yourself With The Best
"The best way to learn, is to learn from the best and to surround yourself with the best. And if you spend time with ambitious and smart people --- that ambition and intellect is going to get transferred to you and its going to inspire you..." - Rahul Ravipudi
Rahul Ravipudi
$160.5 Million Record Verdict
The Importance Of Gaining Experience
From Others
"Until you have the experience yourself, you need to benefit from the experience of others. You have to be prepared, you have to trust your instincts... And when you come to TLU, you get to see people who are acting on their instincts, who are prepared to be there... And you'll see that there is no one way..." - Chris Dolan
Chris Dolan
$61,000,000 Record Verdict
A Collaboration of The Greatest Attorneys In The Country
"There aren't a lot of mentors out there for females... I didn't know how to try a case coming out of law school... The only reason I even learned how to try a case is from other lawyers in the community willing to reach out and help me..." - Christian Morris
Christian Morris
$31,000,000 Record Verdict
Effectiveness &
Sharpen Your Skillset
"What you do in court, is not going to stay pristine your whole life if you don't do anything with it... You've got to Fine Tune it, you've got to Sharpen Your Skills, you've got to keep doing that if you want to stay sharp, if you want to stay relevant and if you want to stay effective... You have to work hard to make sure that your skillset stays effective..." - Robert Glassman
Robert Glassman
$19,786,818 Record Verdict
Most Top Lawyers
Have A Mentor
"Vegas is going to be incredible, I think what Dan is doing is incredible. Because I think for young lawyers, their learning curve can be so accelerated --- they can learn in 2 or 3 years what took other attorneys 20 or 30 years to learn." - Dale Galipo
Dale Galipo
$33,500,000 Record Verdict
Learn From The Past Mistakes of Other Experienced Trial Attorneys
"Some of the best advice I've gotten from these great Trial Lawyers who are coming to Trial Lawyers University is they tell me I did it this way and it was wrong... Do it this way, so that you don't have to make the same mistake that I did..." - Dan Kramer
Dan Kramer
$12,600,000 Record Verdict
How To Use The Rules of Improvisation To Tell Your Client's Story
"In Law School, they teach us the cases, the teach us the rules... But they don't teach us how to get cases, they don't teach us how to convince juries, they don't teach us about performing..." - Brian Breiter
Brian Breiter
Over $30 Million in Settlements and Verdicts
Save Yourself From Trial And Error by Leaning on Experience
"In this industry, you can learn at the dinner table, you can learn by trial and error or you can learn in a seminar and save yourself a lot of pain along the way... There's not a lot of seminars like this. What Dan has built is unbelievably valuable. What he has is a knowledge base that supasses any others. So, its extremely important to lean on that knowledge base when it's available to you..." - Khail Parris
Khail Parris
Member of MENSA
Learn How Effective
Trial Lawyers
"As Trial Lawyers, usually you don't have that opportunity to not only watch a trial because you are too busy in your office doing work bu now you have the opportunity to watch a trial lawyer try a case and hear from them what their thought process was about what they were thinking and why they were doing it and to be able to have the quarterback explain to you what was happening in the Sunday game is gold..." - Justin Khan